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美好的早晨(2 / 2)



不知道已到中国的紫樱和汐诺怎么样了! 和英国有着八小时时差的中国,现在可能是凌晨五点多了吧!

“Whenever I'm weary from the battles that rage in my head

You make sense of madness when my sanity hangs by a thread

I lose my way but still you seeand

Now and forever

I will be your man。

Sometimes I just hold you

Too caught up in me to see

I'hat heaven has given to me

I'll try to show you each and every way I can

Now and forever

I will be your ys be sure

That I won't be alone anymore

If I'd only known you were there all the time

All this time Until the day the ocean doesn't touch the sand

Now and forever

I will be your man

Now and forever

I will be your man”



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