当前位置:新笔趣阁>言情小说>穿越网王之公主的复仇游戏> 第203章 专制和独裁的具体体现
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第203章 专制和独裁的具体体现(1 / 2)

“hello, is this elena?(喂,是艾琳娜吗?)”

“i, my grandma.(是我,奶奶。)”

“you still in pub?(你现在还在pub吧?)”


“today is going to play to a few points?(今天又打算玩到几点?)”

“a while back.(一会儿就回去。)”

“prior to the twelve point if you can't arrive on tisider you to return ahead of britain.(十二点之前你如果还不能准时到家,我会考虑让你提前回英国。)”

“rest assured, i will not let you have the chance.(放心,我是不会让您有这个机会的。)”

“well, are you? i really think impassability, japan has any good,,actually worth so and unable to part from you.(哼,是吗?我真想不通,日本有什么好的,竟然值得你如此恋恋不舍。)”

“you are not me, of course not know my thoughts and feelings 。。。 。。。(您又不是我,当然不会知道我的想法和感受了……)”

“well,,don't you care about this beforehand. tomorrow,,tomorrow you give nd 。。。 。。。(算了,今天的事先不和你计较了。明天,明天你给我回英国一趟……)”


“come back i want to talk to you!(回来有事和你说!)”

“you have what thing cannot be said on the phone also must i go back?(您有什么事不能电话里说还非得我回去?)”

“as for what you don't need it right now, anyway,tomorrow for me back!(至于什么事你现在不需要管,总之明天给我回来就行了!)”

“is this your tyranny! dictatorship!(您这是专制!独裁!)”

“elena k alexandra marie windsor!!in a word,you are not to return back?(艾琳娜·k·亚历山德拉·玛丽·温莎!一句话,你到底回不回?)”

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